An egyptian Maneki Neko Lucky Cat goddess in exclusive packaging. This Glossy Gold Lucky Cat is a universal figure. Not only does she wave happiness in, she is also the guardian of good things and helps make the right decision. Its radiant appearance strengthens the vital force. In Egyptian mythology she becomes Mafdet, the golden panther. As befits a cat, I have 9 lives. The coin I carry stands for “SEN MAN RYOU”, which means “10 million gold pieces for you”. As a talisman, my glossy gold stands for judgement & justice. I will bring you 100% luck. This Glossy Gold Lucky Cat or "Maneki Neko" supports you dealing with all the challenges in life. Every color has a different meaning but all are suitable for cat allergy sufferers! Also available in a range of other colors, our glossy lucky cats make for a perfect gift for any cat lover or fan of Japanese culture and all it needs to wish you new luck every day are full batteries.